Striving For A Healthier Work/Life Balance

Striving For A Healthier Work/Life Balance

One of the ultimate goals for the average working individual is to have a healthy balance between working and living. Are you living to work or are you working to live? But how exactly is one meant to go about achieving a healthy work/life balance with the cost of living increasing meaning a need for increased working? 

I am absolutely no expert in achieving the perfect work/life balance (she says trying to run a business around working a full time job, keeping on top of a house and maintaining a reasonably healthy social life) BUT I would like to share some ways that help me to feel less overwhelmed and stressed when everything is getting on top of me. If this helps even one person, my work here is done!

| Lists & Schedules!!!


I find that using lists and schedules is the most satisfying way to compartmentalise your life. It helps you to switch off from work when work is finished and gives you a sense of control in doing so too. I make a list for absolutely everything and the achievement I feel when I can tick something off is where it's at!

Plan out each of your days at the start of the week. I use my phone as I find it quick and easy but if hand-writing a list is your thing then you do you! Getting it all out of your head and written down in front of you not only makes you feel less overwhelmed but it gives you a clear direction for the week ahead. Don't forget to schedule in down time in your days too, this is all about balance. 


| Don't Waste Dead Time


Dead time is time that is spent inactive, when you are usually unable to be productive. This could be the bus ride to work, putting your make-up on in the morning or even your lunch break sat at your desk. You could use this time to do something for yourself such as reading a book, catching up on your latest shows, practising mindfulness or if you're working from home, you could even get some of the house work done on your lunch break so you don't have to take time out of your evenings or weekends to do so. Hold yourself accountable and don't waste time that could be used more beneficially.


| Switch Off Earlier & Prioritise You


One of the most beneficial ways that I have found to get a better balance is to switch off from whatever I am doing in an evening and go up to bed slightly earlier. I spend that extra hour or so doing something purely for myself such as reading my book, gentle yoga or even colouring. It's an easy way to reconnect with yourself and it doesn't require a lot of effort. It is so effective at calming your mind and rebalancing you which helps you get a better nights sleep too!


| Get up earlier


In modern day life, we tend to cram so much in to our days that we are constantly on the go and rushing around trying to get as much done as possible. This also goes for getting up and getting ready in the morning. I have found that getting up slightly earlier than I actually need to means I can get ready at a slower pace which puts me in a better frame of mind for the day ahead. I am less rushed, I feel less stressed and I am more able to cope with what lays ahead of me. Try it!!


| Do What You Love!


Unfortunately, the majority of us will be working until we're at least 65 years old (the scariest concept I know!). This means that a healthy work/life balance is more important than ever otherwise what's the point, right?! This is why finding a job that you love is absolutely vital as it means that you can have a healthier relationship with your working life which, in turn, allows you to feel happier in your personal life too. If you really aren't enjoying your time at work, try and find something that you will enjoy! Don't be scared to try something new. It's not too late, you're not too old, it's not too much effort, it could be the making of you!


| Just Stop Scrolling...


Social media is so beneficial in so many ways however, I think that we can all agree that it can at times it can be the ultimate time-waster! Again, this is all about balance so if you enjoy your time scrolling through your feed then absolutely yes, go for it! But with that being said, if you're also making excuses that you don't have time for this...or you don't have time for that, cut back on the amount of time you spend on your phone and get out there and do it! 


| 10 Year Plan


Now this is something that may not be for everyone, but a couple of years back, I set myself a 10 year plan of goals that I would like to hit with yearly milestones. This is a very loose plan, and I am in no way pressurising myself to reach each of the goals, however, just having something in place that gives me focus and direction has massively helped with my work/life balance. It has allowed me to prioritise the things that are most important, and cut out anything that isn't. This has ultimately given me more time to work less and live more!


Each and every one of these little steps have helped me to feel more in control of my time and allowed me to balance my workload with my busy life. It's important to take time out of each and every day to prioritise you and you need to hold yourself accountable for this. Don't make excuses for yourself as ultimately you are in control. 

I really hope that you can take something from this rambling read and as I say, I am no expert! I'm just trying to find my own place in this crazy world and my ultimate goal is to feel happy in doing so! I am always striving for new ways to better my own work/life balance so if you have any tips, I would love to hear from you...Leave some comments and let's get talking!!

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