
How I Am Trying To Adjust to Life Post-Pandemic

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How I Am Trying To Adjust to Life Post-Pandemic

To aid my own adjustment to post-pandemic life, I wanted to write a blog post focused around the pandemic. It has been such a prevalent aspect of our lives for the best part of the last two years and I now get the feeling that we are almost meant to just forget about it and move on as if it never happened. For most, adjusting to post-pandemic life has been very easy, however for others, not as much.  I can only talk from my own experiences and my reflections are only personal, however, I hope that some of you may be able to relate to aspects...

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Managing The Stress & Anxieties Of Modern Day Life

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Managing The Stress & Anxieties Of Modern Day Life

| Prefacing (don't worry - I do eventually get onto the topic in hand) When I first started this process of building my own small business, yes my goal was to make an income (no matter how little/big that may have been) but I also envisioned a platform that would do more than simply promote the products that I have created to make money. If I think about the brands that I have followed over the years, the ones that have always stuck with me do more than just try to make a sale! They share life, personality and they tell a story. They are relatable.   One of the benefits of being a...

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Staying Creative & Staying Mindful

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Staying Creative & Staying Mindful

Living in the world of today where everything is so instant and so fast (social media being at the root of this), it is so easy to take everyday simplicities for granted. And whilst social media can be so amazing in so many different ways, especially for small businesses, we tend to get completely wrapped up in comparing ourselves to others both personally and also on a business level as well. We can, therefore, find ourselves striving for goals that aren't rational and in most cases, aren't achievable.   Although many may think that creativity stands aside from this, how...

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Taking the Plunge & Setting Up Your Online Business

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Taking the Plunge & Setting Up Your Online Business

Upon graduation from my degree, I would have never said that less than one year later, I would be owning and running my own little business. And I am! After a few months off from Uni and trying to find my feet within a very big world of creative career opportunities, I was really struggling to find my niché and really didn't think that I fitted anywhere. So, like most creatives tend to do, I turned to art and drawing to relieve some of my stresses and give me some kind of focus. It wasn't until a close friend...

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